Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Cambodia and Vietnam Part 2

With the final end to the wars and conflict in Cambodia and the naming of Angkor  as a World Heritage Site, Siem Reap’s tourism industry has quickly grown. The city has gone from one hotel and a few restaurants in 1992 to hundreds of hotels and restaurants, including many five star hotels.

We visited Angkor Wat, La Prohm Temple, and Bayon Temple, all within the area of Angkor, three of hundreds of temples in the area. It is estimated that Angkor probably had about one million people living in that area around the 12th century, while the population of London  at that time was around 30,000. It seems as though a shortage of water was the reason for the decline of the population. 
The jungle taking over La Prohm Temple

Can you find Jim outside of La Prohm Temple? (He is wearing a hat)

Vishnu greeting us at Angkor Wat   

About to enter the temple of Ankgor Wat

In Bayon
One of the demons outside the Bayon walls. (the one on the right!)



 We visited a silk farm that is part of the Artisans d’Angkor. Silk weaving had almost vanished, but the ancient craft is being revived and supported and is slowly finding a place in today’s society. The thread from one silkworm is about four hundred meters long. 

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