Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Cambodia and Vietnam - Part 8

After a quick stop in Da Nang to rejoin the tour group, we rode on the bus through the Pass of Ocean Clouds with nice views of the South China Sea (Vietnamese call it the East Sea) and a prett­­­­y fishing village, making our way to Hue. It was certainly beautiful, but we have seen so many of these views in New Zealand and Vietnam just can’t compete. 

I found the religion in Vietnam confusing at best with the Bhuddism, Hinduism, Taoism, Confucianism, Christian, and Islam all influencing the current practices or non-practices today. More Vietnamese call themselves Bhuddists than anything else, but it does seem to be a mix of many religions. We saw temples, towers, pagodas, a cathedral, churches, and a monastery. 

While in Hue we visited a pagoda and a Bhuddist monastery where young boys were studying to be monks, the Imperial Citadel, and the Mausoleum of Tu Duc, emporer during the Nguyen Dynasty. The Mausoleum had been planned while Tu Duc was still alive, and he lived there for several years, had over one hundred wives, many concubines, but no children. It was a large and at one time lavish place, but I had seen enough ruins and was ready to head to Hanoi.

The shrine where the Buddhist monks worship

Thiem Mu Pagoda
The monks and "monk in training" in the kitchen 

Thai Hoa Palace inside the Imperial Citadel

Night view of The Citadel from our hotel

Some of the restoration at Tu Duc Mausoluem

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