Thursday, October 20, 2011

I spent part of an afternoon tramping, which up until a few weeks ago I would have called hiking. Although the sun usually shines part of each day, one never knows what part of the day that will be, and I am definitely a fair weather tramper. I took a chance on the sun and headed to Bledisoe Park by Massey University, only a few kilometers from our house.

Calla lilies seem to thrive in this swampy environment.

Hills and grassy lands are all around us.


  1. Beautiful photos! Everything is so lush and green.

    Your tramping reminds me of when we first moved to England. We heard all the locals talk about walking and on our first "walk" we quickly discovered it is what we Americans would call hiking.

  2. Dawn,I think there is much alike between NZ and England-not a surprise. Randi said that our house and gardens remind her of your house. It will be fun to compare our experiences.
