Thursday, October 27, 2011

Week End in Wellington


Wellington is a beautiful city on Wellington Harbour in Cook Strait with stunning views everywhere.

The hippopotamus outside our hotel room is looking at the fabulous Te Papa National Musuem.
A Maori food storage building

We had an excellent tour of The Beehive (executive branch) and Parliament.  In the basement we saw the separation of the foundations of the Parliament House and Library where rubber bearings were installed to resist up to a 7.5 earthquake.

The modern Wellington Cathedral of St Paul

And the lovely old St. Paul's. We were treated to an infrequent bell concert while we were there.


  1. Looks like a fun weekend. I really enjoy seeing all of the photos. With our current weather I am jealous of the beautiful blue sky and lush green!

  2. Our adventure reminds me of your pre-Katherine time in England. I loved looking at all your trips.
