Sunday, November 6, 2011

The Pinnacles

Knowing the spectacular scenery to come on the South Island, I am trying to be conservative with what I would normally consider at the top of the scale. If I am using a rating scale of 1 to 10 for scenery, then our trip this past week end had a couple of 8’s.

 Our first stop was at the Putangirua Pinnacles where a part of The Lord of the Rings was filmed. We had a steep, scenic, a little scary climb to the lookout to see the pinnacles and after a less than expected scary trip down, we continued on to view the Pinnacles close up. We were glad we were wearing the recommended stout shoes as we walked on ankle turning rocks and jumped across small streams. But, oh, what a reward!

That's me 

It felt like looking up at a castle or a gothic cathedral

1 comment:

  1. Wow - that is just awesome! I can only imagine seeing it in person. It's one of those things words and photos really can't do justice to (but I am thankful for the words and photos anyway)!
