Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Mountain Ranges and Kiwi House

We took the more scenic road home from Wellington, although I think I need to find some type of scenic rating as everything is scenic here. This road wound through the Tararua and Rimauka ranges with the usual breathtaking views and white knuckle driving(or maybe it was just the passenger who had the white knuckles-that would be me). Driving on the other side of the road only added to the excitement of the trip! 

We stopped at Mt. Bruce Pukaha, a wildlife and captive breeding center where many birds are being saved and reintroduced into a safer environment. The kiwi eggs are saved from predators, hatched and fed in the kiwi house, and then returned to the forest. The feeding of the kiwi chick was done with such love, care, and difficulty-kiwi chicks don't want to eat.


  1. For the scenery you could just use my mom's "sunset rating" scale: they are ALL 10s in their own way!

  2. And I agree with her! As I was trying to decide which adjectives to use, I knew I would run out of words or I would have to save some for the "peakest" experiences. A number scale will work, I think.
