Friday, June 8, 2012

Cape Reinga

Cape Reinga, where the Tasman Sea meets the Pacific Ocean, just shy of the northernmost point of the North Island is a spiritual place for the Maori. The spirits of the deceased leave the land here and go back to their ancestral land of Hawaiki. Although this is not where our spirits will most likely leave our bodies, we found it a meaningful place and were deeply moved. 

Pictures don't come close to the experience, but here they are anyway.

Maori souls are believed to slide down this 800 year old pohutukawa tree that is sticking out the side of the hill-one of the most sacred of Maori places.
The meeting of the Pacific Ocean and the Tasman Sea. On stormy days, the waves can be nine meters(29ft) high as the two bodies of water crash together. The crashing was visible even on our calm day.

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