Saturday, June 23, 2012

TranzAlpine Train

 We had a quick night in Christchurch and on a “cold and grotty morning” we boarded the TranzAlpine for our train trip across the Southern Alps to Greymouth on the West Coast of the South Island. The TranzAlpine is said to be one of the great train journeys, and although I’m not sure what “great journey” list it’s on, we did indeed have a great journey. There was an open car in the back to get good views, but mostly I relaxed and watched the stunning scenery from the warm and cozy train window. 

This was our first time on a train since we went from Helsinki to St. Petersburg(not a great train journey) and I was ordered by the Russian border guard to delete all the photos I had taken. No such troubles on this trip! We had commentary and even photo stops at two of the stations, thanks to our friendly and accommodating conductor.
Jim spent most of his time in the outdoor observation car.

I cracked the ice and felt like I was a child again walking to school.
The Southern Alps
A frosty road

Through the pass and into the sun and Lake Brunner

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